Lenny Smith

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, te duo labitur dolores. Te eos soleat equidem menandri, duo feugait scaevola lobortis cu, ut ius viderer quaestio expetenda. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut tristique pretium tellus, sed fermentum est vestibulum id. Aenean semper, odio sed fringilla blandit, nisl nulla placerat mauris, sit amet commodo mi turpis at libero.

Phone: +1 (800) 456 7890
Email: name@yourwebsite.com


Been going to Gentlemen Chambers Barber Parlor for years now, I schedule my appointments with Arturo Gomez as he is always professional, consistent with haircut and has amazing customer service. Everyone is friendly and shop location is easy to get too. Highly recommend this barber shop

Alan M

Gentleman chambers is by far the best barber shop in the west valley! Arturo is fantastic and I highly recommend this place. Definitely will keep coming back!

Michael N

I’ve been going to Arturo for over 4 years now and have nothing but good things to say! He always does a great job. Would definitely recommend Arturo for a great cut and shave

Jesse S

Contact Lenny